Read More - Here's my stack of books!

I plan to Read More in 2014 and I already have a good start. I finished two novels already (I started The Aviator's Wife in 2013 and finished it in 2014 and the second, A Week in Winter, I read in a few days) and have a good start on The Great Gatsby. I have a short stack of books that I want to get to reading right after I finish Gatsby.

Books to Read
Here's a bit of info about each book in my stack starting with the book on top (I stacked the books without much thought - there's no significance to the order they are in)

Stitches by Anne Lamott - Lamott is one of my favorite writers. I picked up Stitches and did start to read it but then life got terribly hectic and I put it down. I didn't read at all for a spell. That wasn't fun at all.

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald - This is a book that I've always thought I should read because it's famous and some people say Gatsby is the Great American Novel. The thing that actually made me start reading the book is, well, the recent movie version of the book directed by Baz Luhrmann. I watched the movie with Owen and Rose and was so taken with the story that I decided I had to read the book. So I've started reading it and love it. Love it. After I finish the book, I plan to watch  the version of the movie with Robert Redford (I saw at least part of that movie years ago). And probably read the book again. It's that good. At least it is so far!

Visiting Tom by Michael Perry - I like Perry's books and I've had the pleasure of hearing him read from a couple of his books at readings. I also attended one of Perry's writing workshops. I like the guy. I like his writing. I decided today when I was in my favorite book store, Monkey See, Monkey Read, that I just had to get Visiting Tom.

The Names of the Mountains by Reeve Lindbergh - This novel by a daughter of Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh has been on my "to read" list for some time. Now that I finished The Aviator's Wife, a fictional novel about Anne Morrow Lindbergh, I'm especially excited to start reading it. Published in 1992, I'm pretty sure I picked up this first edition hardcover at Monkey See, Monkey Read awhile back.

The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce - I found this book on CD at the library and "read" it that way a few months ago. I think it's a wonderful book and decided that I needed it for my collection so I ordered a hardcover of it. Set  in England and first published in England, I would love to get a UK copy of the book some day. That would be awesome! This book makes me want to walk across England. Of course, I wanted to do that before I read the book so maybe the book didn't actually make me want to walk across England - but it renewed that desire. The book also makes me believe in the goodness of people and gives me hope.

Eat, Sleep, Ride: How I Braved Bears, Badlands and Big Breakfasts in My Quest to Cycle the Tour Divide  by Paul Howard - This memoir was a Christmas present from Owen. I've been intrigued by the Tour Divide bike ride, an unsupported mountain bike ride from Canada to Mexico, ever since watching the great movie, Ride the Divide. On top of that, a local bicyclist, Ben Oney, rode this race a couple of years ago. Owen and I have talked about riding the route, or parts of it, sometime. I have a hunch that Owen may want to read this book, too!


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