Back to Normal?

We'll I'm back home now and had a great time celebrating my birthday yesterday. I had my memoir class at The Loft in the morning then went out to Perkins for a Birthday dinner with my family last night. It was a great day, the kind where I remember how much friends and family mean to me, how much I enjoy relatively simple things like good conversations with family members and friends.

The final fun part of my birthday was a trip to Valley Bike and Ski where I finally picked out my cycling shoes and Owen picked out some cool weather cycling gear. Our bikes are there in the shop all put together and ready for us to take home. My plan is to head back to the shop tonight and have the guys check me out on how to clip in and out of my pedals. Then, thoroughly checked out, I'm planning to load the bikes up and bring them home. That means I'm going to be cycling soon, maybe even tomorrow. Our plan is to ride the 30 mile Iron Man at the end of April. I have some cycling to do...

Today I planned to write, to spend some time with a few friends, to get my schedule back to normal. But normal doesn't really exist in my world, I guess. Ryan's had a sniffly nose but woke up this morning groaning. He had a fever and told me "it feels like there is a weight on my head" so he's home from school with me and I'm home and will probably not get my "normal" activities done nor do what I planned. Oh well. I'm watching a movie, Short Circuit, with Ryan instead and glad to have a day at home with him.

I've now set up my blog on blogger. Those of you who follow my blog on Facebook won't notice anything different but if you follow my blog on the internet you will notice a slightly different format and find that the previous address ( won't have new content. I'll post a link to my new blog site on the old site. Hopefully people won't get lost in cyberspace trying to find me. Why the move to blogger? Well, I wanted to be able to label my blog content and wanted my blog to be more visible to the greater public. I hope it's a good move. I wasn't sure if I should move to Blogger or Wordpress but ended up with Blogger. It's all an experiment, another sort of adventure, I guess.

You may notice the blog title, Idyllwild. If you're curious as to why I chose Idyllwild you can read one of my first blog entries at my old site and find out.
Here's the link:’re_wild.html

All for now. Ryan needs me and Short Circuit is calling me - # 5 is Alive!


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