Snowshoe Adventure

Last winter during the month of January I did a 30 Days of Snowshoeing challenge and snowshoed every single day of the month. Such a challenge would have been impossible for me this year. We've had a strange winter with almost no snow. I'm okay with a mild winter but I have missed snowshoeing and have only been out on my snowshoes once this winter - that is until today.
A snowshoe scene from last January
Last night and earlier today it snowed enough that we could actually get out and snowshoe in it. The kids were off of school so they headed outside with me this morning and, along with Rocket our wonder dog, we trekked around the neighborhood on our snowshoes.

One thing I like about doing stuff with my kids is that they remind me of the little wonders of life. Today they decided we should stop walking, stand still then call the dog to us and listen. Why? Because the snow had a thin icy crust on top and Rose and Ryan noticed that it sounded really cool when Rocket ran through the snow.
Ryan, Rose and Rocket
I wish I could describe how Rocket's little paws sounded when they broke through the snow. Or somehow convey how wonderful the near silence sounded when we, dog included, stood still in our winter wonderland. I took a couple of pictures but they still don't really show the fun we had. Of how the kids and I raced each other on our snowshoes. Of Rocket's legs and face covered with little clumps of snow. Of how the cold felt. Of how the wind blew.
Here we are - Ready for a snowshoe adventure
Suffice it to say our little snowshoe trek was wonderful. So thanks Rose and Ryan for joining me on a little snowshoe adventure today. For asking me to stand still with you so we could hear Rocket prance though the snow.


shebicycles said…
Ahhhh ... I envy your snow, your cold and your snowshoes (not to mention your wearing of hats). Winter seems to have skipped us this year, and it makes me very sad. Enjoy - and thanks for letting me have a little snow, vicariously. :)

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