Slower Than Molasses - But Still Moving

Happy New Year you all! Yes, it's 2020 and I haven't posted anything on this blog for, oh, a couple of years. Oh well. Here I am now writing a quick update because I got out and rode my fat bike in the snow today. I didn't make it a mile and I went slower than molasses in January (how appropriate for the first day of January!) but I am still happy about the fact that I got out on my bike. Why? Well, let me tell you.

I haven't been on any of my bikes since summer so getting out today for even a super short and slow ride feels like a huge accomplishment. Correction - it is a huge accomplishment. There have been things, physical things like tennis elbow and weird tailbone muscular pain and a less-than-fun surgery  that I'm still recovering from this past year and then some other stuff that have made bicycling next to impossible. But today, on the first day of a new year, I decided to get out on my fat bike and give it a go in the fresh snow.
Rocket the dog loves to join us when we ride
The plan was simple - For Owen and I to ride down our runway and back and to take our dog, Rocket, out with us for some exercise, too. I got suited up and ready to go and found myself almost puking before I even got out the door (nerves, I guess). Oh well. Got outside and walked the bike through the snow to the plowed, more easily rideable but still ungroomed for bicycling part of the runway and my chain jammed on pretty much my first pedal stroke. Got that fixed. And then I rode. Not far. Not fast. But I rode my bike and it felt good to do it.

And then I put my bike away, took off all my winter riding stuff, and stretched for twice as long as I rode. Yes, parts of my body don't feel great right now and it's hard to know if that's from lack of riding or because of my previously mentioned issues. Probably both things but I'm not sure. I am sure, however, that I want to get back out and try again.


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