Goofy, That Is.

I have so much to write about, all sorts of stories to tell about some of my rides this past week - rides that included changing a bike tire, riding in the rain, forgetting to unclip my pedals and falling off my bike and into a ravine. But every time I sit down to write I get stuck.

I don't get stuck very often.
I don't like getting stuck.

So, I'm taking all of my half finished blog posts and am saving them in a file marked "Blog." I hope I get back to them. I plan to. The writing will come together another day. But today is not the day.

Today is the day, I guess, to read a book and go to bed. I have a cold. I am tired.

Today is also the 22nd day of 30 Days of Biking.

I rode my bike today, 10 miles this afternoon on the Sakatah Trail in Faribault. Half of those miles were in the pouring rain. I got soaked but still had a nice ride. Really. Well, sort of.

It's been raining since my afternoon ride and was still raining heavily when Owen and the kids got home from church activities.  And here it is about 8:30 p.m. and Owen and the kids still need to ride their bikes so we can all complete Day 22 of 30 Days of Biking.

To be honest, I wouldn't blame Rose and Ryan if they protest loudly. If they said "no way!" to riding on this rainy day. After all, it's cold. It's pouring down rain. We're all tired. I mean, the kids are just kids and maybe it isn't fair to ask them to ride for 30 days in a row...especially when it was more my idea than theirs.

Yes, late on the evening of the 22nd day I'm staring to wonder if 30 Days of Biking for the whole family wasn't such a good idea after all...
My puppy, Rocket, has been whining so I just went to let him outside. I let him out through the garage/hangar which is attached to our house. Owen's been out in the hangar working on the airplane. The kids, I thought, were out there helping him.

But when I walked out in the hangar I discovered that Owen and the kids were taking turns riding Ryan's little bike around in circles. Owen had moved all the other bikes and stuff out of the way so there was a small area they could ride indoors and not get cold and wet.

Rose was on the bike when I walked in. "You should see Dad ride the bike," she said as she sort of rode and sort of walked the little bike around the space.

"I pushed Daddy," Ryan added. "You need to see him do it!"

Even though they had already been "riding" for some time Owen got on the bike again and Ryan showed me how he "helped" his Dad ride the bike around the hangar. Then Ryan got on, he even wore his helmet, and rode around the tiny circle with Owen helping him so Ryan wouldn't run into anything.

Even with Owen's help Ryan nearly ran over Rocket who has to be in the middle of everything. But no one got hurt. Or wet. Or cold. And we all laughed. And Owen announced, proudly, that together the three of them road a whopping .2 miles on Ryan's bike.

I can't believe they're goofy enough to ride a little bike around in circles just so we could say The Mibus Family finished Day 22 of 30 Days of Biking.

But they did.
And we are.
Goofy, that is.
All of us.

And now that we all finished Day 22 of 30 Days of Biking it's time for us to go to bed.

We need to be well-rested for Day 23.
I hear rain is in the forecast.
Lots of it.


Loving the Bike said…
You guys are doing great. I really hope the weather improves for you and you can end off the #30 days with some sun and warm weather.

Nice video.

Pamela Hutchins said…
I love your family, and I have just met them. That's goofy :) but it is also commitment. Good for you.
Myrna CG Mibus said…
Thanks Darryl and Pamela (nice to "meet" you!).

I'm actually amazed the kids have been so willing to go along with the 30 days of biking challenge. It's been fun for all of us!

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